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Take Control Back From Your Subconscious Mind

Do you know that your subconscious mind runs your life? It is time to take control back.

“It is not a disruption in your energy system but a creation of the mind. It's about subconscious imprints stored within the brain, accumulated from birth, emotional conditioning that built perception and the body gives it reality. You are a creator,
this physical reaction is an expression of the your inner world.”
                                                           ~Robert G. Smith creator of FasterEFT

This post is based on a two part article I found here called "Toxic Thinking Patterns"
Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind does no original thinking. It is the "operating system" in charge of all autonomic processes of the body. If you would have to tell your body to pump the blood, breathe and digest, you would have no time for all the other things. The more you repeat an action or respond in a certain way, the faster your subconscious takes it over and in the future you will always react that same way. It is efficient, but not always what you want to happen.

To break free of these patterns, you have to become aware of them and understand how tricky they are. This is not easy as they operate just below the radar or your conscious mind. Unless you can make those changes, you have limited success to change the outcomes.

The article lists 7 Toxic Thinking Patterns:

  1. Fault-finding or complaining
  2. Blaming
  3. Triangulation, gossiping
  4. Communication blocking
  5. Rescuing others
  6. Portraying self as a victim, helpless or needing to be rescued
  7. Making excuses
Examples of the 7 patterns are listed in Part 2 of the article.

Remember that the subconscious is your protector, but it cannot differentiate between what is helpful and what is harmful and what is real (actually happening) or imagined. It responds to both the same way.

At times you find yourself running away, blocking or protecting yourself against what you need or yearn for most in life, which is totally counter to what your really want. Your natural impulse is to "self-actualize" and not hide. You want to feel alive in a meaningful way to yourself and life around you.

Your mind is a treasure and your imagination is the base for creating yourself and life. Be careful of the words you use and the thoughts you think as they become things and are harder to undo than create.

I have found that Meridian Tapping (EFT) is a fantastic tool to help you reprogram your subconscious mind. Give it a try and if you need help contact me.

If would like to hear from you and look forward to reading your comments.

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