This Wired.com article:
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online continues my thread of thought from my
May 13/09 post. I am always amazed how people come to the same understanding from so many different directions. It is like the saying says: "
All roads lead to Rome".

I wonder how long it will take mainstream and governments to realize that we have more in common with each other than what separates us. That our natural inclination is to share and communicate and thanks to the Internet and computers it is becoming easier than ever to find likeminded others.
It does not matter how large or how small that group is. It is the fact that there are others like us that's important. Before the Internet we were like little islands floating in a huge sea where we could not even see other islands. Now, distance, country and time zone does not even matter any more. We find a way to connect to others with the same ideas.