Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
I love to collect quotes and every so often, or as my favorite combined expression is: every so once in a while, I come across exactly the one I need for that particular day. I find them all over the place. When reading an article suddenly a sentence seems to jump out an I will write it down. The same goes for books. Then I have one website where there is a daily quote that I look at regularly. What do I do with all those quotes? I have a whole section on my website called 'Inspirational Quotes' where I write them down for myself as reference material and for others. So far I have about 14 pages of 50 quotes each and I need to add a whole bunch of quotes I haven't gotten around to yet. Inspiration appears where you least expect it when you are open to it. So let's have an inspiring day!