In today's world where jobs are disappearing in the blink of an eye, and marketing seems to have turned into a science that only a few lucky ones truly understand, this article was an eye opener. We are in the midst of a paradigm shift and most of the population is afraid of it. I think we should embrace it and see what fear really is:
F alseWhat if what we hear in the news and see on TV is only what we were meant to hear and see, so that we would stay fearful and be too stunned to stand up for our rights and make changes that could affect those on top drastically. It is time that 'we the people' start to look out for each other and in doing so create an economy that will support every one of us. All our skills are needed, nobody is more valuable than another.
E vidence
A ppearing
R eal
Can we say that one color is more important than another? I don't think so. You need all the colors to create a rainbow. And so you also need all the people to create a vibrant and healthy economy where each person contributes to the best of their abilities and is appreciated for what they can contribute.
The only thing constant is change. So it is time to embrace it and enjoy the ride.
